Neuroscience NorthEast 2022

Thank you very much to everyone who attended the conference, we hope that you all enjoyed the talks and posters and we hope to see you all again in the future.

Please see below the abstract booklet from the conference along with photos from the event:

12 December 2022 9:00 – 18:00

For its 20th anniversary, Neuroscience North East is back and is still free!

As in previous successful events, this conference will bring together early career neuroscientists from all its various disciplines spanning the fundamental to the clinical. Topics include translational clinical neuroscience, neurochemistry, pharmacology, computer science, molecular/cell biology, physics, psychology, behavioural sciences and much more. This early career conference is aimed to facilitate postgraduate and postdoctoral participants in co-chairing and presenting their work via dedicated themed Oral and Poster sessions in a friendly and informal setting. Presentations will be either oral or poster talks.
The day will be closed with a special lecture by a prominent guest speaker followed by both a talk and poster prize ceremony which will take us into the traditional refreshments & networking session. All refreshments and meals shall be provided for free!

For those who can’t make it in-person, worry not, as all the talks will be streamed via zoom, so you can enjoy and engage with the conference wherever you are. Details and links will be given out nearer the time so watch this space!

This event shall be hosted by our society (DUNE – Durham University Neuroscience society) and we will be working in conjunction with the University of Durham WRIHW Brain, Body & Behaviour Challenge Academy.

Date: 12 December 2022, 9:00 – 18:00

Venue: L50, Durham Biosciences Department, Durham, DH1 3LH

Registration and all meals/Refreshments are FREE

Best wishes,

NNE 2022 organisers